[CM] snd: control-panel blocks playback

andersvi at notam02.no andersvi at notam02.no
Tue Sep 18 02:05:17 PDT 2012

>>>>> "a" == andersvi:

    a> Opening the control-panel stops playing of audio.  Closing the
    a> control-panel resumes playing.  If control-panel is opened before
    a> playing, playing wont start.

    a> Machine is a 64bit, running fc17.  Both stock-kernel (3.5.3-1)
    a> and planetccrma-kernel (3.4.10-1.rt18.1) shows the same behaviour
    a> vs. snd & control-panel.

    a> Might this be something with gtk?  pkg-config --modversion
    a> gtk+-3.0 => 3.4.4.  The display-driver (nouveau)?

Just checked with snd-13 on an older machine, but same behavior
vs. control-panel:

(on older machine) $  snd --version 

   This is Snd version 13.1 of 18-Sep-12:
       s7: 2.12 (22-Aug-12), Xen: 3.15
       ALSA 1.0.24
       Sndlib 22.1 (16-July-12, double samples)
       CLM 5.2 (8-Aug-12)
       GSL 1.14
       Gtk+ 2.22.0, Glib 2.26.0, Pango 1.28.1, Cairo 1.10.2 
       LADSPA: 1.1
       Compiled Sep 18 2012 10:47:09
       C: 4.5.1 20100924 (Red Hat 4.5.1-4)
       Libc: 2.13.stable
       host: i686-pc-linux-gnu

(on newer machine) $ snd --version 

   This is Snd version 13.1 of 18-Sep-12:
       s7: 2.12 (22-Aug-12), Xen: 3.15
       Jack: 1.9.8
       Sndlib 22.1 (16-July-12, double samples)
       CLM 5.2 (8-Aug-12)
       Gtk+ 3.4.4, Glib 2.32.4, Pango 1.30.0, Cairo 1.10.2 
       Compiled Sep 18 2012 11:01:14
       C: 4.7.0 20120507 (Red Hat 4.7.0-5)
       Libc: 2.15.stable
       host: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

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