[CM] slippery chicken release

René Bastian rbastian at free.fr
Sun May 27 06:47:52 PDT 2012

Le Sun, 27 May 2012 13:00:46 +0200,
David Lindes <user-clm-cmdist at daveltd.com> a écrit :

> Hi all (I'm relatively new here),
> Hmm, something tells me that this conversation might benefit from an
> injection of some borrowed ideas.  Is it wrong to point people to a
> video? :)  In case not, here's this:
> https://vimeo.com/36579366 (Bret Victor - "Inventing on Principle",
> in case you may already have seen it).

There is a problem : i have no player for this format.
Can you tell me what happens?

> Just some thoughts...
> Best,
> - David
> >

René Bastian

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