[CM] slippery chicken release

Michael Edwards michael.edwards at ed.ac.uk
Sat May 26 03:02:31 PDT 2012

Hi Torsten,

> PS: Also, you are saying clearly that you do not plan an graphical user interface for this software. Nevertheless, likely it would be relatively easy to turn your whole software into a library for PWGL or OpenMusic.

That's an interesting proposition.  Certainly some people might find
having a popup window with object properties useful.  And for sure,
some of the graphical editors in those packages are great.  I remain
sceptical myself however--I just find programming directly, in a text
editor, to be the most effective and efficient way of working.  I
realise that I'm in the minority there though.

> If you still have some resources left from your AHRC grant then doing so could greatly strengthen your impact (good for your REF and may even be helpful for the next grant application).

God forbid that we actually let our research decisions be so heavily
influenced by government concepts of 'impact'....

> For a more advanced used of such features you would need to have a conversation of your music representation (your slippery chicken object) into the OpenMusic / PWGL music representation. You already did something similar when defining your Lilypond interface (likely you are using Fomus, which makes this interface much more simple to define), so you know that such score format conversation is not defined on a single day, but is not too complex either.

I'm not using Fomus actually.  I decided it would be easier (!?) to
write my own interface to Lilypond.  It turned out to be only a couple
of days work actually.

> Anyway, you are probably still not interested :)

Ach, no, interested for sure.  But still on the fence :)

Cheers, Michael

> On 24 May 2012, at 19:04, Michael Edwards wrote:
>> It is with great pleasure that I announce the open-source release of my
>> algorithmic composition software "slippery chicken":
>> http://www.michael-edwards.org/sc/
>> Please feel free to re-post to any potentially interested colleagues, students
>> or mailing lists.
>> Workshops introducing the software will be held in Edinburgh, UK, and
>> Karlsruhe, Germany, in July 2012:
>> http://www.michael-edwards.org/sc/workshops.html
>> "slippery chicken" is an open-source algorithmic composition system written in
>> Common Lisp which enables a top-down approach to music composition. The
>> software was originally tailor-made to encapsulate the author's personal
>> composition techniques, however many general-purpose algorithmic composition
>> tools have been programmed that should be useful to a range of composers. The
>> main goal of the project is to facilitate a melding of electronic and
>> instrumental sound worlds, not just at the sonic but also at the structural
>> level. Pure instrumental or electronic composition is of course possible with
>> the system too. Techniques for the innovative combination of rhythm and pitch
>> data--arguably one of the most difficult aspects of making convincing musical
>> algorithms--are offered.
>> Anyone interested in discussing the software is encouraged to join the Google
>> Group http://groups.google.com/group/slippery-chicken
>> Best wishes,
>>        Michael Edwards
>> ___________________________________________
>> michael edwards
>> office : (+44) (0)131 650 2431
>> mobile : (+44) (0)7952 153750
>> michael.edwards at ed.ac.uk
>> MSc in Digital Composition and Performance
>>     http://michael-edwards.org/dcp
>> University of Edinburgh
>>     http://michael-edwards.org/uofe
>> Personal homepage
>>     http://www.michael-edwards.org
>> ___________________________________________

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