[CM] Windows CM 3.8.0: Plugin graphs do not load correctly

Heinrich Taube taube at illinois.edu
Wed Apr 25 05:20:48 PDT 2012

the cm/readme.text will tell you how to do the basic build on windows,  
you need to download  sources for sndlib and build that first
for cm you need premake (3) installed,  and then open the windows  
terminal and type someting like

premake --target vs2008 --vst /path/to/vststuff --sndlib /path/to/sndlib
it will look for

where /path/to  is of course replaced by the correct directory on your  
machine. avoid spaces in your directory path or you invite trouble, i  
would put everthing in a top level director like


ive never tried to build plugin on windows so i expect you will  
encounter some issues to solve. but if your vst makes a toot in  
pluginhost then thats a good sign, cm isnt really doing anything other  
than what plugin host does.

> Well there is the problem! I did not see any warning that this would  
> be the case. I will have to figure out how to compile the source.  
> Thanks!
> Regards,
> Pietari Seppänen
> On 25.4.2012 13:55, Heinrich Taube wrote:
>> also im assuming you build Cm from its source on windows,  
>> otherwise  plugin support will not be available at all since vst  
>> support is licenced
>> On Apr 25, 2012, at 4:17 AM, Pietari Seppänen wrote:
>>> Hello! I'm not an expert with CM and this is my first encounter with
>>> VSTs, so please bear with me. I do not believe I did anything  
>>> wrong, but
>>> correct me if I did. I used the JUCE Plugin Host to make a graph  
>>> with a
>>> MIDI input, a VST plugin and an audio output. It works perfectly  
>>> in the
>>> plugin host. Image: http://www.student.oulu.fi/~seppanep/juce.jpg
>>> <http://www.student.oulu.fi/%7Eseppanep/juce.jpg>
>>> Unfortunately, when I load it in CM I get the following message:
>>> Plugin Graph 'test(2)' (2 nodes, 0 connections)
>>> Nodes:
>>>  Midi Input
>>>  Audio Output
>>> Connections:
>>> Obviously something is missing here and I get no sound. The Plugin
>>> Graphs -> Plugins menu shows those two nodes greyed out with "(no  
>>> editor)".
>>> It's a great shame because I have been hoping to use synthesis to  
>>> make
>>> the output sound a bit more interesting, but the built-in systems  
>>> are
>>> way over my head.
>>> Regards,
>>> Pietari Seppänen
>>> PS: I sent Heinrich Taube a direct email about this first. I  
>>> believe I
>>> neglected to mention I was using Windows. Heinrich, if you replied  
>>> to
>>> that I didn't receive it because of an email server change that took
>>> place yesterday.
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