[CM] Arno in Grace?

Heinrich Taube taube at illinois.edu
Wed Dec 28 15:47:55 PST 2011

this is slime nonsense, not cm. now i suddenly remember why i moved to  
run it in a terminal or move to Grace.

On Dec 28, 2011, at 5:09 PM, Dr. des. Alan Fabian wrote:

> Hi,
> ok, I tried to make cm2 running on my ubuntu 10.04:
> - I put cm2 like Ralf recomended via cvs into /usr/local/lisp/
> - then I followed the instructions to run cm in emacs (/cm2/doc/ 
> emacs.html) installing 1. emacs (GNU Emacs 23) and 2. slime via cvs  
> to /usr/local/lisp/ and then I made the configuration of the emacs- 
> init
> "
> (add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/local/lisp/slime/")
> (add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/local/lisp/cm2/")
> (load "etc/emacs/cm.el")
> (enable-cm-commands)
> "
> - then I opened emacs again, typed in M-x cm and got the message:  
> "Versions differ: ... (slime) vs. ... (swank) ... Continue? (y or  
> n)" I chose no and got a working lisp-prompt
> BUT no new window with slime opened! (with yes I get the following  
> error-message:
> "
> Can't locate module: SWANK-IO-PACKAGE::SWANK-REPL
>   [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]")
> "
> I have no idea what to do now, because I am not used to emacs, slime  
> and swank. Would be nice you could help me with this.
> Thank you,
> Alan
> Am 28.12.2011 19:35, schrieb Heinrich Taube:
>>> my favorite language, I am used to it. That's why I am so  
>>> enthusiastic about Grace and all these helpful tools for  
>>> converting data to music and why I had a lot of hope in Arno.
>> so if Arno is common lisp then you should be able to simply load it  
>> into a running cm2, and you should be able to run cm2 with pretty  
>> much any modern common lisp, e.g.  clisp or sbcl.
>> to get Arno working in Grace you would of course need to convert  
>> arno from common lisp to S7 Scheme...
> -- 
> Dr. des. Alan Fabian
> Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
> Institut für Musik und Musikwissenschaft
> Stiftung Universität Hildesheim
> Marienburger Platz 22
> 31141 Hildesheim

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