[CM] Fomus on Ubuntu

Peter O'Doherty mail at peterodoherty.net
Sat Aug 20 03:32:18 PDT 2011

On 08/19/2011 11:58 PM, Heinrich Taube wrote:
> On Aug 19, 2011, at 2:52 PM, Peter O'Doherty wrote:
>> What am I doing wrong?
> maybe you aren't doing anything wrong -- i remember on linux i had to 
> do some sort of port connection in jack., ie in addtino to selectin a 
> port in cm.  im sorry but i cant even remember the name of the jack 
> app i had to use to do this,  'jackctrl' or someting?  then the dialog 
> itself was a bit confunsion --  sorry it was all rather complicated 
> and i cant remember but i think you need to do the jack stuff after 
> you started cm
> you might find it easier to forget the midi port connecting and just  
> write a midi file instead and then use cm's (shell ) function to  
> start timidity with the file name. i think there might even be a file 
> hook that  you can use to do this automatically after the file is 
> written.

Got it working now. Just needed to connect JuceMidi to FluidSynth in 
QjackCtl (the app you were thinking of) to hear midi.
Thanks again,

->  Peter O'Doherty
->  http://www.peterodoherty.net
->  mail at peterodoherty.net

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