[CM] Simple oscillator?

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Thu Nov 18 10:51:06 PST 2010

On Nov 18, 2010, at 12:14 PM, peiman khosravi wrote:

> This is great. I find the language very elegant and easy to follow  
> too. CM has just become one of my favorites!
> Is there a reference of all the different functions somewhere? For  
> instance sin is not mentioned in the documentation as far as I can  
> see and I cannot find a list reference anywhere on the web.
> Thanks again.
> Peiman

the 'sin' function is actually part of the Scheme language, not CM so  
its not included in the cm.html doc. But you can access documentation  
on 'sin' (or pretty much any symbol defined in CM, CLM, or SCHEME ) by  
double clicking its name and then pressing APPLE-D  (windows : Control- 
that's an editor command that should pop-up documentation in your  
browser (if it doesnt work for something then use the Help>References   
links by hand)

to get documentation of S7 specific extensions visit https://ccrma.stanford.edu/software/snd/snd/s7.htm 
   , its a great read!

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