[CM] Simple oscillator?

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Sat May 15 04:50:57 PDT 2010

> Can you show me an example of the CM code to make a one second 440  
> hertz sine tone?

its not cm code, its sndlib/clm. here is a 1 second tone

(with-sound ()
  (let ((osc (make-oscil 440)))
     (loop for i below 44100 do (outa i (* .1 (oscil osc))))))

You have access to tons of CLM instruments that you can try out and  
learn from, just use the menu  Audio>Instrument Browser  (Command-I)   
to open the instrument browser.

On May 14, 2010, at 9:24 PM, Jeff Sandys wrote:

> I have used CM and Grace to make MIDI sequences and playing them  
> thru qsynth.  But doesn't SND have oscillators?
> Can you show me an example of the CM code to make a one second 440  
> hertz sine tone?
> Is Perry Cook's Synthesis Toolkit (STK) programmable with SND or CM?
> Thanks,
> Jeff Sandys
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