[CM] how to enable openmcl in gracecl

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Sun Jan 3 06:00:38 PST 2010

> and rick: how to enable openmcl in gracecl (know much better common  
> lisp than scheme) i've installed clozurecl to ~/ccl-1.4 and like to  
> use the 64-bit version, as it doesn't need cflag modifications, but  
> in gracecl configure it's greyed.

you would have to make sure that openmcl's socket support actually  
works now and then just re-enable the greyed out gui code.  when i  
wrote the lisp-side socket connection code openmcl had a very nasty  
low-level bug that made recovering under errors unworkable on the lisp  
server side.  it might be fixed now or might not be, ive lost track of  
openmcl.  try it and see. if not good luck debugging a server side  
socket problem!

MY TWO CENTS: even if you are a committe cltl user, send some time and  
become familiar with s7 -- it has lots of friendly common lisp  
features including generalized set , sequences (lite),  rationals,  
identical  or similar function names/behavior with cl; keywords,  
keyword/rest args, and on and on.  if after trying s7 it still weren't  
close enough to cltl then its very easy to create a small cltl  
compatability package that added a few more cltl sequece functions and  
some macros for defun defvar.  s7 isnt common lisp but with a little  
work you could easily pretend it was.  s7 also has some interesting  
features of its own, including applicable arrays and lists -- very  
nice once you let go and trust it works!  and sndlib has all of clm  
working and without a compiler -- you just load the interpreted  
instrument and go!. its not quite as fast but its in the ballpark an i  
know bill is (was?) optimizing it.

when you compare the 1 little s7.c file (well...maybe not so  
little... ) against the huge-megabyte cltl installation pacakges  s7  
is an astounding piece of work. and with bill still cranking away will  
only get better.

On Jan 2, 2010, at 6:52 PM, Matti Koskinen wrote:

> first to bill: got snd working using gtk, somehow motif gives the  
> error not finding font.
> then clm-4 works best so far with clozurecl, i've been able to play  
> popi.clm and fmviolin with dx86ck64 (didn't need to add -m32 to  
> cflags.
> and rick: how to enable openmcl in gracecl (know much better common  
> lisp than scheme) i've installed clozurecl to ~/ccl-1.4 and like to  
> use the 64-bit version, as it doesn't need cflag modifications, but  
> in gracecl configure it's greyed.
> thanks
> -matti
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