[CM] Grace MIDI import / multiple message types

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Wed Aug 25 14:06:00 PDT 2010

bret first im sorry but witht the start of school i simply havnt had  
any free cycles this week to get the meta messages.
i think maybe what ill should do is allow specs like
	((time key) (time clt1 ctl2) ...)

that will parse out differnet "value specs" all in one pass.
will that suffice?
again really sorry for the delay! i should have from free time  
starting friday morning, i dont think it will take me long to add this

On Aug 25, 2010, at 2:54 PM, Bret Battey wrote:

> I'm in a situation where I am importing from a MIDI file. I will  
> need to be able to access note messages and ctrl messages --  
> interleaved and in time order -- in order to perform my task.
> So
> (midifile-import midi-file 2 '(time key)))
> will get me the keynums
> and
> (midifile-import midi-file 2 '(time ctrl1 ctrl2)))
> will get me the controller messages
> But now I will have to code a sort mechanism to combine the two  
> lists in time order.
> Is there a way to import the two message types directly into one  
> list, enabling me to avoid having to code a sort?
> (midifile-import midi-file 2 '(time key ctrl1 ctrl2)))  => Error: no  
> midi message with values: (time key ctrl1 ctrl2)
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