[CM] Scheme - cm 3.6.0 beta

Dave Phillips dlphillips at woh.rr.com
Wed Apr 21 06:05:13 PDT 2010

Hi Rick,

A quick note: In 3.5.x there was a pop-up menu for cut/copy/paste text 
functions. That pop-up is gone now. The functions work fine with X now 
(thank you!), but that menu was very handy. Any chance it'll return ? Or 
have I missed something obvious again ? :)

Btw, the system is *sweet*, I'm having a great time with it. The 
examples and tutorials are most helpful, my thanks to everyone who had a 
hand in them. Sal is terrific. I thought I'd prefer the old favorite 
(Guile/Scheme) but I must admit that Sal makes coding right speedy.

Getting into the new FOMUS and Csound support today. More fun.

Best regards,

Dave Phillips

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