[CM] grace runs as root user only

Juan Reyes juanig at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Apr 6 09:10:57 PDT 2010

Hi Kjetil,

I hate to admit that something as trivial as removing
'/var/tmp/juceAppLock_Grace'  might be the cause for this issue.

I removed the file, now I have permissions and Grace runs. I take it
when I run a new instance of Grace a new file 'juceAppLock_Grace' is
created. The problem might arise again when another user on the same
machine wants to use Grace. Perhaps '/var/tmp/juceAppLock_Grace' should
be removed  when user quits Grace. I am not sure how often Fedora
recycles '/var/tmp'.

Thanks a lot Kjetil!

  --* Juan

> Could it be that the file /var/tmp/juceAppLock_Grace is left over
> from a previous session run by root?
> Did you try deleting that file before running Grace (as non-root)?

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