[CM] Announce: Common Music 3.3.0

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Mon Sep 7 06:41:24 PDT 2009

A binary release of Common Music 3.3.0 is available for download at  


Common Music (CM) is an algorithmic music composition environment. It  
makes sound by transforming a high-level representation of musical  
structure into a variety of control protocols for sound synthesis and  
display.  The easiest way to work with Common Music is to get Grace  
(Graphical Realtime Algoritmic Composition Enviroment), an application  
implemented in JUCE that contains Common Music and S7 Scheme with  
audio connections to MIDI, SndLib, Csound, and Fomus.

For the complete list of new features, enhancements and bug fixes see  
the changelog:


To use CM with the Fomus music notation package you need to install  


a native Windows build of Fomus should be available in a day or so.  
Examples of Fomus usage inside Grace are the Help>Examples>Fomus menu

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