[CM] dlocsig

Juan Reyes juanig at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Fri Sep 18 10:52:24 PDT 2009

Thanks Oded!

I tried several different paths and the problem seems to go away. Even
using 'make-spiral-path' seems to be working!. 

What I've found is that SBCl complains when using identical values on
(xy) pairs. Close paths which don't go through the origin seem to be

All and all I have been avoiding zeroes on 'make-path' pairs and seems
that I am not getting nasty glitches as before.

Therefore I think that dlocsig doesn't like some paths which contain
pairs with identical values.

This is using Nando's "clm-sbcl" which is clm-3.  

I'll keep working (on trial and error) to see how things turn up.

  --* Juan

On Thu, 2009-09-17 at 12:59 -0700, Oded Ben-Tal wrote:
> >
> > Has anyone run dlocsig successfully. I have tried dlocsig.lisp on CLM-3,
> > CLM-4 and dlocsig.scm on Snd (S7), and I get an audio glitch when the
> > path goes through the origin on these versions. Has Michael's Ruby
> > version improved on this issue?.
> I got the same problem (I think I emailed nando about it). To me it seemed 
> that the problem was when crossing y=0 close to the origin. Observation 
> based on some trial and error not any profound insight into the code.
> Oded

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