[CM] Common Music feature request: OSC support...

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Mon Nov 16 07:36:54 PST 2009

otoh liblo looks really good,  i can probably write C wrappers for  
that.  im still not sure what people want to do with osc in scheme  
code but maybe i can just take todds old api.

On Nov 16, 2009, at 9:17 AM, Dave Phillips wrote:

> Heinrich Taube wrote:
>> ive also run into a juce applet called  MouseToOSC-1.1,  i cant  
>> build it on mac but it looks like it works on linux. if someone  
>> could confirm that it might be easiest if i just used his code for  
>> the message and port implementation.
>> http://www.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Audio/Other-AUDIO-Tools/Mouse-To-OSC.shtml
> Hi Rick,
> Alas, the app was written for an older version of JUCE. As a result  
> there are issues with the build, starting with its use of the  
> deprecated ShinyLookAndFeel. AFAICT I was able to fix that error but  
> promptly received another error message regarding a C++ issue.  
> Debugging C++ is not so easy for me, so I've stopped trying to build  
> the app until I join the JUCE group and post the error to their  
> forum. I wrote to Niall Moody about the first error but haven't  
> heard from him yet. He's stated that he has no time to update his  
> code so I'll ask for help on the JUCE list.
> Best,
> dp

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