[CM] Notes from the Metalevel text

Adam ahcnz at ihug.co.nz
Thu May 7 22:40:20 PDT 2009

Can CM3 and Scheme be run from Emacs, on MS or Linux? 
Or only in its own GUI exe and internal text editor. 

On Friday 08 May 2009 03:59 am, Heinrich Taube wrote:
> > windows, so is my home computer, that's why I'd like to get the
> > windows
> > version working.  Thanks
> ill try to make a windows beta this weekend and ill post a message
> when i have it.  your file loding issue may be a windows \\  directory
> delimiter problem that i fixed several weeks ago.
> > I noticed you're also working on a ruby version, that would be more
> > attractive syntactically.
> CM has no ruby, thats SND.  So im not sure what system you are
> referring to.
> I teach my algorithmic composition courses using SAL , which is
> bascially an infix scheme supported in grace. it only takes my intro
> class about 2 weeks to become 'programmers' using sal. the grace
> editor supports both scheme and sal syntax. if you use Emacs you can
> use sal.el  to give you 'sal buffer' syntax. look in Grace's
> Help>Tutorial  submenu to teach yourself
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