[CM] [newbie] Is CLM the right tool for me?

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Sat May 2 06:02:07 PDT 2009

> I just added it to sndlib-ws.scm, but haven't tried to use it.

ok the new piano.scm is much faster! (3.6 sec vs 28 sec)
threaded-with-sound works in sndlib and even with so few notes in the  
example its still a tiny bit faster than that  (3.4) . ill try longer  
examples today where presumably the parallel notes will have more effect

clm-3 is still faster than either at 1.1 sec.  i dont know what the 3x  
speed up is due to, its not a big deal in this case, but when compute  
times start going into minutes while working on sections this adds up!


cm> (with-sound(:statistics #t)
   (fm-violin 0 3 (hz 'ef6) .2 :gliss-env '(0 0 .25 0 1 1) :glissando- 
amount .5)
   (p 1 :duration 2 :keyNum (key 'c4))
   (p 2 :duration .25 :keyNum (key 'd6))
   (p 2.666 :duration .333 :keyNum (key 'e2))

   maxamp: 1.0460 0.5094
   compute time: 3.692


cm> (with-threaded-sound(:statistics #t)
   (fm-violin 0 3 (hz 'ef6) .2 :gliss-env '(0 0 .25 0 1 1) :glissando- 
amount .5)
   (p 1 :duration 2 :keyNum (key 'c4))
   (p 2 :duration .25 :keyNum (key 'd6))
   (p 2.666 :duration .333 :keyNum (key 'e2))

   maxamp: 1.0383 0.4875
   compute time: 3.408


* (with-sound(:statistics #t)
   (fm-violin 0 3 (hertz 'ef6) .2 :gliss-env '(0 0 .25 0 1  
1) :glissando-amount .5)
   (p 1 :duration 2 :keyNum (keynum 'c4))
   (p 2 :duration .25 :keyNum (keynum 'd6))
   (p 2.666 :duration .333 :keyNum (keynum 'e2))
   Duration: 3.7500, Last begin time: 2.6660
   Compute time: 1.129, Compute ratio: 0.30
   OutA max amp: 0.552 (near 2.045 secs)

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