[CM] new GraceCL

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Sat Mar 28 07:01:09 PDT 2009

cm trunk now builds a newly implemented GraceCL app that supports the  
Common Music 2  branch.   I will be able to maintain and improve it  
along with Grace and Cm3 because its  really just an additional file  
and a -D compiler switch!  obviously there is no Audio menu or  
realtime scheduler , its a replacement for working with CM2 in emacs/ 

To try it out:

(1)  download a beta executable:
	mac:    http://camil.music.uiuc.edu/Software/grace/downloads/GraceCL-3.2.4a-x86-leopard.zip
	windows:  http://camil.music.uiuc.edu/Software/grace/downloads/GraceCL-3.2.4a-win32.zip
	linux:   http://camil.music.uiuc.edu/Software/grace/downloads/GraceCL-3.2.4a-linux.zip

(2) install the latest cm2 (required):

	svn co https://commonmusic.svn.sf.net/svnroot/commonmusic/branches/ 
cm2 cm2

(3) Start GraceCL, use File>Configure Lisp... to specify your lisp exe  
(either sbcl or clisp)  and your cm2 installation directory,  then  
File>Start Lisp to start it running. then open a lisp file and eval  
away. it seems to be working on windows linux and mac.

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