[CM] ; floor argument 93.649190420188-93.649190420188i is a complex, but should

eichhoff at statistik.uni-dortmund.de eichhoff at statistik.uni-dortmund.de
Sun Jul 19 08:53:21 PDT 2009

with :keyNum 80 I tested it, and it worked, but with :keyNum 108, it
crashed, too:

(with-sound ()
:duration 2
:keyNum 80
:strike-velocity .5
:amp .4
:DryPedalResonanceFactor .25
:detuningFactor-table '(24 5 36 7.0 48 7.5 60 12.0 72 20 84 30 96
100 108 300)
:stiffnessFactor-table '(21 1.5 24 1.5 36 1.5 48 1.5 60 1.4 72 1.3
84 1.2 96 1.0 108 1.0)

But with
"loop for i from 0 to 7 do
       (* i .5)"
inside, it crashes.

I don'T know how to trace it. Perhaps I have to compile the
cm/grace/juce... in debug modus and have to set some other special
The overdamped example on the site
works again:

(with-sound (:output "/zap/thdamped.snd")
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 do
       (* i .5)
       :duration .5
       :keyNum (+ 24 (* 12 i))
       :strike-velocity .5              ;0 to 1, 0 is softest played note,
1 is loud note
       :amp .4                          ;overall volume level
       :DryPedalResonanceFactor .25     ;0 no open string resonance
					;1.0 is about full resonance of dampers raised
					;can be greater than 1.0

       ;;modifications to do damped sounds
       :singleStringDecayRate-table '(21 -5 24.000 -5.000 36.000 -5.4
41.953 -5.867
                                      48.173 -7.113 53.818 -8.016 59.693
-8.875 66.605 -9.434
                                      73.056 -10.035 78.931 -10.293 84.000
       :singleStringPole-table '(21 .8 24 0.7  36.000 .6 48 .5 60 .3 84 .1
96 .03 108 .03)
       :stiffnessCoefficient-table '(21.000 -0.920 24.000 -0.900 36.000
-0.700 48.000 -0.250
                                     60.000 -0.100 75.179 -0.040 82.986
-0.040 92.240 .3
                                     96.000 .5 99.000 .7 108.000 .7)
				     ;these are the actual allpass coefficients modified here
				     ;to allow dampedness at hig freqs

> at least on OSX in that loop when the keyNum hits 108 then it never
> completes. pianos only have 88 keys so maybe this tickles some out of
> bound issue?
> even a single note with 108 never finishes and my disk starts racing:
> (with-sound ()
>    (p
> 	 0
> 	 :duration .5
> 	 :keyNum 108
> 	 :strike-velocity .5
> 	 :amp .4
> 	 :DryPedalResonanceFactor .25
> 	 :detuningFactor-table '(24 5 36 7.0 48 7.5 60 12.0 72 20 84 30 96
> 100 108 300)
> 	 :stiffnessFactor-table '(21 1.5 24 1.5 36 1.5 48 1.5 60 1.4 72 1.3
> 84 1.2 96 1.0 108 1.0)
> 	 ))
> On Jul 19, 2009, at 8:36 AM, Bill Schottstaedt wrote:
>> That piano example seems to work both in linux and wine.
>> Can you get a stack trace, or some idea of where it is when it
>> crashes?
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