[CM] ; floor argument 93.649190420188-93.649190420188i is a complex, but should

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Sun Jul 19 08:06:33 PDT 2009

at least on OSX in that loop when the keyNum hits 108 then it never  
completes. pianos only have 88 keys so maybe this tickles some out of  
bound issue?
even a single note with 108 never finishes and my disk starts racing:

(with-sound ()
	 :duration .5
	 :keyNum 108
	 :strike-velocity .5
	 :amp .4
	 :DryPedalResonanceFactor .25
	 :detuningFactor-table '(24 5 36 7.0 48 7.5 60 12.0 72 20 84 30 96  
100 108 300)
	 :stiffnessFactor-table '(21 1.5 24 1.5 36 1.5 48 1.5 60 1.4 72 1.3  
84 1.2 96 1.0 108 1.0)

On Jul 19, 2009, at 8:36 AM, Bill Schottstaedt wrote:

> That piano example seems to work both in linux and wine.
> Can you get a stack trace, or some idea of where it is when it  
> crashes?
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