[CM] ;piano.scm crashes in Linux, too

eichhoff eichhoff at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Mon Jul 20 03:16:15 PDT 2009

Strange, strange... where is the problem in piano.scm? I installed all 
packages (cm, sndlib, juce (recent trunk)) on linux again this morning. 
I started grace and the program crashed after I executed (the program 
completely disappeared from the Desktop, no error message). So that's 
not just a windows problem... Here is the crash-code again:

(with-sound ()
     (loop for i from 0 to 7 do
         (* i .5)
         :duration .5
         :keyNum (+ 24 (* 12 i))
         :strike-velocity .5
         :amp .4
         :DryPedalResonanceFactor .25
         :detuningFactor-table '(24 5 36 7.0 48 7.5 60 12.0 72 20 84 30 96
  100 108 300)
         :stiffnessFactor-table '(21 1.5 24 1.5 36 1.5 48 1.5 60 1.4 72 1.3
  84 1.2 96 1.0 108 1.0))))

Bill Schottstaedt schrieb:
>> at least on OSX in that loop when the keyNum hits 108 then it never   
>> completes.
> It does for me.  I still don't see this problem.  Maybe I have to be in
> running in Grace?  (I'm using Snd on OSX, cm on Linux and Wine).

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