[CM] clm on windows! (cm 3.2.4)

Kjetil S. Matheussen k.s.matheussen at notam02.no
Thu Jan 8 08:13:31 PST 2009

On Thu, 8 Jan 2009, Heinrich Taube wrote:

> sndlib/cm3 is running on windows! binaries of cm 3.2.4 for mac, win
> and linux are now at sourceforge. links to downloads and changelog are
> on the homepage (you may have to reload the page in your browser to
> get the updated html)
> http://commonmusic.sourceforge.net/
> For a really fun demo use Bill's birdsongs and watch 'em sing! it
> takes about 10 seconds. Do this:
> 0. Start grace
> 1. Select Audio>SndLib>Instruments...
> 2. Double-click on the 'bird'  instrument row, that'll load the
> instruments and open the example
> 3. Put your cursor just after (make-birds) in the birds.clm window and
> hit Command-Return
> 4. wait 2 seconds for the file to compute, the player will pop up and
> start playing, watch each bird squack as it plays! (well, the audio
> waveform is not drawing on windows for some reason but it sure is
> pretty on the mac....)
> special thansk to michael gogins, who wrote the scons script that
> compiles sndlib on windows, and carlos pita, for cleaning up the
> premake.lua script and adding builds against installed libs

Great work. But you can play Bill's birdsongss in windows using snd-rt 
too: http://archive.notam02.no/arkiv/windows/snd-rt/
Even in realtime without having to wait 10 seconds. There's no
grace support though. (hint hint :-) )

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