[CM] fomus release and cm patches

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Tue Dec 8 05:21:12 PST 2009

there is a new release of fomus from yesterday and ive remade the  
Grace betas to include fomus patches from yesterday that get things  
working better on all platforms , esp. windows.  you will want to  
install the latest Fomus (0.1.10-alpha) that david uploaded last night:


the windows version of fomus seems to work well now -- if you have  
lilypond and adobe acrobat installed in the normal places then running  
the sal examples will open the resulting pdfs ootb without any  
configuration on your part. its all pretty zippy too, except you may  
need to be patient the first time you run lilypond....

fomus docs contain some clear sal examples, many of these are  
available in Grace's Help>Sal Examples  menu  (ill create scheme  
examples in the next release)

links to the new cm betas:







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