[CM] Grace with Fomus beta2

Ralf Mattes rm at seid-online.de
Fri Aug 14 02:03:38 PDT 2009

On Thu, 2009-08-13 at 21:07 -0500, Heinrich Taube wrote:
> a beta2 binary of grace with fomus and sndlib is temporarily available  
> at (all one line):
> http://camil.music.uiuc.edu/Software/grace/downloads/grace-with-fomus-osx-beta2.zip
> fomus: important bug fixes, title and author settings added, examples  
> in fomusexamples.sal now use explicit output filenames.
> cm:  ive switched to bill's new read-time macroexpander. the CM macros  
> 'process' 'loop' and all functions that have opt/key args use this new  
> feature , which should make calling these things in "real time" much  
> cleaner. however this is a very pervasive and lowlevel change so if  
> you have trouble with anything please let me know.  ive also been able  
> to get scheme errors to pop the Console window to the top as well as  
> beep, and i fixed a bug where i wasnt closing the string output ports  
> i was opening!
> if you build from svn you MUST download and install the latest sndlib  
> tarball because im depending on bill's 'define-expansion' feature  
> being there.
> ftp://ccrma-ftp.stanford.edu/pub/Lisp/sndlib.tar.gz

Hmm - I get this error during compile 

 gcc  headers.o audio.o io.o sound.o xen.o vct.o clm.o sndlib2xen.o clm2xen.o midi.o run.o s7.o
   -o libsndlib.so -shared  -lasound -lsamplerate -L/usr/lib -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm   -ljack -lpthread -lrt  
 ar -rc libsndlib.a headers.o audio.o io.o sound.o xen.o vct.o clm.o sndlib2xen.o clm2xen.o midi.o run.o s7.o -ljack -lpthread -lrt  
 ar: -ljack: No such file or directory

This is for a build configured like this:

  ./configure --with-s7 --with-jack --with-alsa

And, of course, libjack _is_ installed in the default system
location ...

AFAIK the problem seems to only show up when configuring with both alsa
and jack - configuring for a single backend comiles/links without
problems. Maybe a conditional compile and static versions
( libsndlib-jack.a, libsndlib-alsa.a ... etc.) might be an option.

 HTH Ralf Mattes

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