[CM] CM3 woes

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Mon Aug 10 09:11:41 PDT 2009

am i confusing you with someone else? he ran a 20 minute regression  
test and reported that it was rock solid!!  ill have to look through  
my old emails.
the example sounds fine on osx, ill boot windows in a bit and try it  

(define (simp reps rate dur low hi)
   (process repeat reps
          (send "mp:midi" :key (between low hi) :dur dur)
          (wait rate)))

(sprout (simp 100 0.25 0.125 64 72))

On Aug 10, 2009, at 10:40 AM, lieven moors wrote:

> No, they were never fixed, although I might have given you that  
> impression,
> because writing to midi files seemed to work correctly.
> I'll try to get some support from the Juce mailing list as well.

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