[CM] CM3 woes

lieven moors lievenmoors at gmail.com
Mon Aug 10 07:10:09 PDT 2009


I would like to report again that CM3 is still completely useless
to me, due to problems with midi timing. I'm working on Linux (Ubuntu 
and I've tried a lot in order to localize the problem on my 32bit and 
64bit machines,
with realtime preempt kernel, and without.
When I test with the simplest process, the timing sounds as if the 
scheduler is drunk:

(define (simp reps rate dur low hi)
  (process repeat reps
           (send "mp:midi" :key (between low hi) :dur dur)
           (wait rate)))

(sprout (simp 100 0.25 0.125 64 72))

I have no idea why this is happening, but I would like to find out.
For that I would have to know if the problem is with the scheduler,
or with the midi interface of Juce. If it would be Juce, I could file a 
bug report.
Could somebody help me figure this out?

For all my other midi programs, the midi timing is fine, so I doubt there
is something fundamentally wrong with my system.
But I would like to ask if there are any other people on this mailing list,
which run CM3 successfully on Linux. Just to be sure it can be done :-)

A few things to note:

When I start Grace I get these warnings:

    Warning. Cannot connect jack output port 2: 
    Warning. Cannot connect jack output port 3: 
    Warning. Cannot connect jack output port 4: 
    Warning. Cannot connect jack output port 5: 
    Warning. Cannot connect jack output port 6: 
    Warning. Cannot connect jack output port 7: 
    Warning. Cannot connect jack input port 2: 
    Warning. Cannot connect jack input port 3: 
    Warning. Cannot connect jack input port 4: 
    Warning. Cannot connect jack input port 5: 

In Grace I get a warning:

    Warning: Audio Manager: No such file or directory

But sndlib is connected fine to the system audio outputs in JACK.
I still have to connect Juce's midi port manually after starting Grace.
Selecting a port from the menu does not make the connection.

Thanks for your help,

Lieven Moors

P.S. I'm using the latest revision of CM3 from svn, and a quite recent 
sndlib (not the last, but one before that).
P.S. It would be nice if Grace would support copy/paste with the x 
clipboard :-)

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