[CM] Announce: Grace 3.3.0 with Fomus (beta1)

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Tue Aug 11 12:10:16 PDT 2009

Finally! A binary (beta) release of Grace built with c++ Fomus and s7/ 
SndLib is available for download. Fomus is a music manuscripting  
package by David Psenicka that transforms symbolic score information  
into fully manuscripted output using Lilypond or Sibelius/Finale via  
MusicXML.  right now we've got a binary install for osx/10.5;  
hopefully a windows installer will be available at some point soon. on  
linux you compile from sources (boost, fomus, grace)

heres the (temporary) link to the beta for osx (all one line):


the osx installer will put Grace in your /Applications folder and the  
Fomus runtime under /usr/local/.  this is a beta release in  
anticipation of icmc and fall courses. its new, large and complex and  
so we are hoping you will help with general testing and feedback. i  
dont want to add any more features for this release but will do  
everything to make sure that what we have is working.

You can configure your Fomus environment in Grace using the  
"Audio>Fomus" submenu. To learn about Fomus use the Help menu:  
"Help>Examples>Fomus Examples"  has various manuscripting examples  
(try the last example that generates harmonic gesture. fomus does a  
beautiful fast output!  )  "Help>Tutorials>Fomus" has  a step by step  
walk-through. Documentation about  sending fomus messages is in  
"Help>Manuals>Common Music"

The easiest/cheapest way to work with Fomus is to install Lilypond (http://lilypond.org 
) On the mac you only need to install the app bundle itself.  (dont  
attemp to use it directly because it doesnt work as a stand  
alone...see the lilypond website for their information) here is their  
osx package link(all one line)


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