[CM] freshmeat

Markus Eichhoff eichhoff at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Sun Aug 9 12:47:25 PDT 2009

Which site do you mean with "cm.html#Randomness" where I may look for

Yes, of course, you are right. It would help other users. But first I will
import it, because I don't know scheme and don't know some commands like
num2str(k) (Matlab) in scheme.... so first I will import the code, but
then I will try to write it in Grace. I hope it will be possible then.

> did you look at the distrubutions listed in cm.html#Randomness  ??
> there is a rangauss  listed there...
> if thats not what you want, just add the generator to CmSupport.cpp
> and ill tie it in since its generally useful.  thats easier than
> always importing stuff from another app and it would help out other
> users.
> On Aug 9, 2009, at 12:37 PM, Markus Eichhoff wrote:
>> Congratulations to the new version. But I better stay with the older
>> version. Because if I update everything (cm, grace, sndlib etc.
>> etc.) then
>> perhaps it won't work again. ;-) My version now where copy+paste works
>> fine is good for me.
>> I will write the code now with MATLAB because I had some problems to
>> write
>> the normal distributed random parameters for the inputs of the
>> instrument-calls with Scheme or Grace or whatever...
>> Now I will built normal distributed parameter-vectors (e.g. 20 vor 20
>> tones)for perhaps 3-4 parameters. Then I will write with Matlab and
>> fwritef(...) the code that I insert then in Grace and execute it and
>> save
>> the wav-files.
>> If somebody knows how the stiffness-table in piano.scm is created, you
>> could mail me, please. I writed to Mr. Van Duyne, but didn't get any
>> answer yet. I don't know where to get information about each
>> parameter of
>> this piano model. In the paper of Mr. Van Duyne about the commuted
>> piano I
>> also don't find any hints.
>> Best regards and a nice sunday evening and good luck with the bugs
>> that
>> won't like to disappear (but they will, I am sure. ;-))
>> Markus
>>> I am removing Snd from freshmeat.
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Dipl.-Math. Markus Eichhoff

Chair of Computational Statistics
Faculty of Statistics
Technical University of Dortmund
44221 Dortmund
Room 826

Phone:       +49 (0)231 755 - 5903
Telefax:     +49 (0)231 755 - 4387
E-mail:       eichhoff at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Web:          http://www.statistik.tu-dortmund.de/eichhoff_eng.html

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