[CM] generator-processor approach

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Sun Sep 14 06:02:00 PDT 2008

> How can i for example removes doubles or repetitions from this  
> generation or how to process in general this output.

you can process the data as you generate it or after you generate it.  
to process it while you generate it, use a internal loop to force  
selecting a non-repeating value:

define process pink(smpl,scale,trsp,rate,chnl)
  run with k , j repeat smpl
    for r = rate

    loop while j = k
      set k = discrete(ranpink(), -1, 1, scale)

    send "mp:midi", key: transpose (k,trsp), chan: chnl , dur: r
    set j = k
    wait r

to process the data AFTER you generate it do this:

1 turn on score capture
2 generate your data to a seq
3 export the seq as a list of data
4 call functions to "clean up" this data
4 regenerte the piece from the cleaned up lists

i do plan to provide a graphic list editor for agorithmially editing  
vectors of data. i hope to add this and some plotter enhancements  
later this fall.

On Sep 14, 2008, at 3:14 AM, stephane boussuge wrote:

> Hi ,
> How can i process the output of a process for example filtering them  
> or other processing.
> For example i can make a process who output pink noise notes  
> (h.taube sal example in grace)
> How can i for example removes doubles or repetitions from this  
> generation or how to process in general this output.
> define process pink(smpl,scale,trsp,rate,chnl)
> ;;pink noise mapped on key
> run     repeat smpl
> for k = discrete(ranpink(), -1, 1, scale)
> for r = rate    send "mp:midi", key: transpose (k,trsp), chan:  
> chnl , dur: r
> wait r
> end
> define variable dorian = scale(21, 48, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2)
> Thanks
> S.boussuge
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