[CM] Bay Area Computer Music Technology Group @ UCSC with David Cope and Peter Elsea - Sunday May 11

Noah Thorp noah at listenlabs.com
Thu May 8 20:19:06 PDT 2008

Bay Area Computer Music Technology Group (BArCMuT)
Sunday afternoon presentations by David Cope and Peter Elsea
Sunday, May 11, 2008 at 1:00 PM
Music Building @ University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064
RSVP: http://electronicmusic.meetup.com/152/calendar/7516169/

Thank you to David Cope and Peter Elsea for hosting the Bay Area
Computer Music Technology Group (BArCMuT) for a Sunday afternoon at
University of Santa Cruz!

This Sunday's presentations:
- David Cope will discuss and demonstrate his work with his computer
program Experiments in Musical Intelligence. This will include a world
premiere of a work by Emmy-Bach never before heard.
- Peter Elsea will give a tour of the facilities and a presentation on
recent work using Max/MSP for algorithmic composition with visualizations.

If you are not familiar with David Cope's work, it represents a landmark
moment in computer creativity (similar to Kurzweil's AARON application
in the visual sphere). Cope's Experiments in Musical Intelligence set
the bar for generative music by analyzing scores and writing new pieces
in the style of the composer analyzed. If the turing test was a musical
one, experiments in musical intelligence would be likely to pass the
test. Those who encounter this work are often excited or even frightened
by its implications. I encourage you to come and engage in this
important work directly. You can listen to realizations of Cope's
experiments in musical intelligence scores here (listen to "After Bach",
"After Beethoven", etc. - there might be a lag before playing):

Peter Elsea's presentations will give us a window into this frequent
computer music community contributor's latest works. It will be exciting
to see his new approaches to visualization and algorithmic composition
and also get a sense of the UCSC studios he stewards.

All the best,
Noah Thorp
Bay Area Computer Music Technology Group (BArCMuT)


UCSC is not very google maps friendly. Here is the lat/lon location of
the music building:

Here are the directions from UCSC:

There will be a machine dispensing parking permits for $2. The music
center is the concrete complex at the far end of the parking lot. Go all
the way to the plaza overlooking the bay, and look left for the building
entrance. There will be signs to the proper room.


DAVID COPE ( http://arts.ucsc.edu/faculty/cope/index.html ), Professor
Emeritus of Music at UC Santa Cruz, teaches in the annual Workshop in
Algorithmic Computer Music (WACM) held in June-July at UC Santa Cruz.
Cope's books on modern music include New Directions in Music (seventh
edition), Techniques of the Contemporary Composer, and New Music
Notation. His books on the intersection of music and computer science
include Computers and Musical Style, Experiments in Musical
Intelligence, The Algorithmic Composer, Virtual Music, Computer Models
of Musical Creativity, and Hidden Structure (available through most
online book sellers) and describe the computer program Experiments in
Musical Intelligence which he created in 1981. Recordings of his music
appear on Centaur, Smithsonian Folkways, Opus One, and Vienna Modern
Masters and include a wide diversity of works, from large ensembles to
soloists with electronic and computer-generated tape.

PETER ELSEA ( http://arts.ucsc.edu/EMS/Music/PQE/More_PQE.html ) is the
director of the UCSC Electronic Music Program. He is known world-wide
for his "Lobjects" software for the Max/MSP music programming
environment, and his tutorials for that language are in use at most
major electronic music institutions. Google reports more than 1000 links
to his internet articles on music technology, which have been on line
since 1994. In addition to his work in composition and synthesis, he has
been for some years exploring the combination of sound and light using
high speed computers. Part of his visual collaboration with Mesut Ozgen,
"New Dimensions in Classical Guitar" (seen at UCSC in 2004) was recently
presented in Istanbul.

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