[CM] updated betas, win32 with csound port

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Thu May 1 16:36:54 PDT 2008

I think i have a fix for the csoundport on windows (switching from  
csoundScoreEvent to csoundInputMessage) and the same new code will  
also allow passing a string pfield value in addition tot numbers.  
Since this is a bit of a rewrite Ive taken the opportunity to make the  
csound port more flexible -- you can  open it for rt audio and render  
score data to sound files at the same time, or play score data out the  
rt port. I will try to ship the csound dll with grace so there is no  
confusion, as i understand it if you put a dll in a the directory with  
the .exe then windows will find it (we will see...)

ill should have the new binaries available tomrrow i think, or no  
later than saturday.

On May 1, 2008, at 6:13 PM, Ben McAllister wrote:
> Hi cmdist list -
> On Sat, Apr 26, 2008 at 8:04 AM, <taube at uiuc.edu> wrote:
> ...
> to use the csound versions you have to install csound5. on win32 the  
> app was linked against c:/program files/csound/bin/csound64.dll.5.1  
> so you may need this exact path on your machine for it to work  
> (sorry, i dont know much about dll linking on windows yet...)
> Is this to say that Grace will only work with the doubles version of  
> csound5 ( Csound5.08.2-gnu-win32-d.exe  ) , not the floats version  
> ( Csound5.08.2-gnu-win32-f.exe  )?  It may be a helpful data point  
> in testing.   It sounds like that's the case.  Installing the  
> doubles version, I get
> Opening Csound port: -o dac -d C:\Program Files\Grace\Resources 
> \csound\grace.orc ... :(
> Csound failed to initialize.
> Csound is working ok from the cmd line, and I have the csound dll at  
> the location you mention.  I'm running xp SP2.  No Linux version I  
> take it?
> Thanks!
> Ben McAllister
> http://www.listenfaster.com

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