[CM] dlocsig question

Bozelos Dimitris dbozelos at yahoo.gr
Sun Mar 9 18:56:35 PDT 2008

ooops, rather silly question, isn't it? i have first to convert each sound so that its sample rate matches the output file sample rate. probably dlocsig doesn't do this for you.

Bozelos Dimitris <dbozelos at yahoo.gr> wrote: hi all,

i'm trying to learn using dlocsig and paths, really interesting stuff with lots of possibilities, thanx for your effort in this!!

i want to ask a question though: since it calculates the end in samples of the output file, does it always use the default sample rate? because it does not receive sample-rate as a parameter. so if i want to work with sounds with different sample-rates, i have to change the *srate* constant and then change again to the original value (if needed), is that right?

dimitris bozelos

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