[CM] snd changing hardwares srate

Ludger Bruemmer lb at zkm.de
Tue Mar 4 08:17:00 PST 2008

Hi all,

Im working on a Motu 896HD with 192 Khz sampling rate and Snd on OSX  
Snd switches the Motu automatically into 192 KHz mode and plays the  
sample (f.e. 44.1 Sample) about one! octave higher as desired. The  
default sample-rate in Preferences is set to 44.1.
tried (set! (default-output-srate) 44100) in the .snd file but this  
did not have an effect.
Does anyone know how to avoid Snd changing the hardware settings of  
the DAC?


Ludger Brümmer

Prof. Ludger Brümmer

Leitung Institut für Musik und Akustik
Head of Institute for Music and Acoustics

/////// |< |||| ZKM|Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie
/////// |< |||| Center for Art and Media
/////// |< |||| Centre d'Art et de Technologie des Medias

Lorenzstrasse 19 . D - 76135 Karlsruhe
P.O. Box 6909 . D - 76049 Karlsruhe

Phone +49 721 8100-1600 Fax +49 721 8100-1699
email: lb at zkm.de  http://www.zkm.de/musik  http://www.sumtone.com/lb

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