[CM] openmcl and walk.lisp

Arthur W. Green awg at panix.com
Wed Feb 20 13:11:34 PST 2008

On Feb 20, 2008, at 6:43 AM, Bill Schottstaedt wrote:

> I don't have a PPC machine to try openmcl on, and in the x86-64  
> linux case
> it has some problem finding the foreign functions; if you do try it  
> again,
> please let me know what happens.

If you're went to the trouble to suggest a patch, of course I'll try  
it again!

I erased sndlib.h and mus-config.h and loaded all.lisp.  It didn't  
finish the build, but your change did produce this output:

;Compiler warnings for "/usr/local/lisp/clm/walk.lisp" :
;   Undeclared free variable NEW-ENV, in WALK-FORM.
;   Undeclared free variable NEW-ENV, in an anonymous lambda form  
;   Undeclared free variable NEW-ENV, in WALK-FORM-INTERNAL.
;   Undeclared free variable NEW-ENV (2 references), in WALK-LET/LET*.
;   Undeclared free variable NEW-ENV (2 references), in WALK-PROG/PROG*.
;   Undeclared free variable NEW-ENV (4 references), in WALK-DO/DO*.
;   Undeclared free variable NEW-ENV, in an anonymous lambda form  
;   Undeclared free variable NEW-ENV, in WALK-MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND.
;   Undeclared free variable NEW-ENV (2 references), in WALK-LAMBDA.
;   Undeclared free variable NEW-ENV (2 references), in WALK-NAMED- 
;   Undeclared free variable NEW-ENV, in WALK-SYMBOL-MACROLET.
;   Undeclared free variable MACRO-ENV (2 references), in WALK- 
;   Undeclared free variable NEW-ENV, in WALK-MACROLET.
;   Undeclared free variable NEW-ENV, in WALK-FLET.
;   Undeclared free variable NEW-ENV, in WALK-DEFINITIONS inside WALK- 
;   Undeclared free variable NEW-ENV, in WALK-LABELS.
;Compiler warnings for "/usr/local/lisp/clm/ffi.lisp" :
;   Unused lexical variable DEV, in SL-DAC-1.
;   Unused lexical variable NAME, in SL-DAC-1.

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