[CM] typo in ex13 ch20

Uğur Güney ugurguney at gmail.com
Tue, 19 Feb 2008 10:51:09 +0200

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# In the book NftM there is an example, ex13, in Chapter 20, which is

(define (play-pat reps rate dur amp )
  (let ((pat (new heap
               :notes '(c4 d ef f g af bf c5)
               :for (new random :of '(8 12 16))
               :repeat reps))
        (x 0)
        (r #t ))
    (process for k = (next pat)
             until (eod? k)
             for p = (pattern-period-length pat)
             if r set x = 0
             (new midi :time (now)
                  :keynum k
                  :amplitude (interp x 0 .4 (- p 1) amp)
                  :duration dur)
             wait rate
             set r = (eop? pat)
             set x = (+ x 1))))


# It gives an error while running with: (events (play-pat 10 .1 .3 .8) "
# I looked at the CM Dictionary:
http://commonmusic.sourceforge.net/doc/dict/patterns-topic.html and saw that
there is not a type of pattern called "random" but "weighting". I changed it
and the example produced the intended result.

# I'm reading textbooks for many years and this is the first time I found an
error :-) I want to share this experience with you.
# I think the former name of  "weighting" was "random".

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# In the book NftM there is an example, ex13, in Chapter 20, which is<br><pre>(define (play-pat reps rate dur amp )<br>  (let ((pat (new heap <br>               :notes &#39;(c4 d ef f g af bf c5)<br>               :for (new random :of &#39;(8 12 16))<br>
               :repeat reps))<br>        (x 0)<br>        (r #t ))<br>    (process for k = (next pat)<br>             until (eod? k)<br>             for p = (pattern-period-length pat)<br>             if r set x = 0<br>             output<br>
             (new midi :time (now)<br>                  :keynum k <br>                  :amplitude (interp x 0 .4 (- p 1) amp)<br>                  :duration dur)<br>             wait rate<br>             set r = (eop? pat)<br>
             set x = (+ x 1))))</pre><a href="http://www.music.mcgill.ca/~ferguson/Notes%20from%20the%20Metalevel/nm/20/patterns.cm">http://www.music.mcgill.ca/~ferguson/Notes%20from%20the%20Metalevel/nm/20/patterns.cm</a><br>
# It gives an error while running with: (events (play-pat 10 .1 .3 .8) &quot;pat-10.midi&quot;)<br># I looked at the CM Dictionary: <a href="http://commonmusic.sourceforge.net/doc/dict/patterns-topic.html">http://commonmusic.sourceforge.net/doc/dict/patterns-topic.html</a> and saw that there is not a type of pattern called &quot;random&quot; but &quot;weighting&quot;. I changed it and the example produced the intended result.<br>
<br># I&#39;m reading textbooks for many years and this is the first time I found an error :-) I want to share this experience with you.<br># I think the former name of&nbsp; &quot;weighting&quot; was &quot;random&quot;.<br>
