[CM] newbie on OSX - graceCL and sbcl...
josepadovani at yahoo.com.br
Tue, 12 Feb 2008 22:27:02 -0200
I am a newbie with macs and I am trying to configure grace to run sbcl....
So... when I run "/usr/local/bin/sbcl" I get sbcl running without
problems, but with grace I get this:
GraceCL 1.0.1 (rev 1568)
(c) 2007 Todd Ingalls, Rick Taube
Launching /usr/local/bin/sbcl --eval '(load
--eval '(asdf:oos (quote asdf:load-op) "grace")' --eval
'(grace:start-server 8000 "/Users/ze/Library/Caches/GraceCL/temp0grace")'
Polling socket server............................... =:(
Connection failed.
any idea?