[CM] cm3 builds on linux

taube at illinois.edu taube at illinois.edu
Mon Dec 1 15:25:52 PST 2008

>which is incomplete -- this particular build will also require -lgsl -lgslcblas.
>Good intentions?  (If I remember right, the gsl stuff came after the sndlib-config work, and I never noticed it was out-of-date).

thanks for the info. i added those libs by hand for linux, but i dont know hat to do for alsa or jack builds, maybe i should just add a '--otherlibs xxx xxx xx' option to my premake and people can add what they need on linux.

>> if you start cm on linix id like to know if the (ports) returns anything 
>cm> (ports)

ok there are no devices listed. maybe thats a jack or alsa thing too

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