[CM] GraceCL vs. CM v2.11.3

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Wed Aug 27 13:48:29 PDT 2008

this is correct. The name GraceCL means it works with Common Lisp and  
it supports the CM2/CLM/CMN/FOMUS common lisp packages.
it should work with the latest svn cm and latest packages of the other  
software. If you are happy with Emacs+Slime+CM+CLM then im not sure  
what GraceCL would add except plotter and of course sal.

If you want to build GraceCL with everthing loaded into it then after  
you build the GraceCL propoer you can install the complete runtime by  
cd build/linux
cp ../install.sh .
./install.sh GraceCL

that will use CURL and SVN to download all the common lisp packages  
and install the docs.
Then start the app, configure it for whereever you have sbcl and then  
start lisp. that will compile each packages at it gets loaded. i  
taught a course last spring with cm + clm in sbcl and it worked great.

On Aug 27, 2008, at 3:10 PM, Ross Mohn wrote:

> Hi,
> Leaving aside the real time features of Grace and focusing on GraceCL
> for a moment, I just want to make sure I understand the differences
> between GraceCL and the latest SVN version of Common Music proper,
> v2.11.3.
> I think the difference is that GraceCL provides the Grace Console and
> Grace Editor, thus giving a more cohesive and reliable environment in
> which to work. Otherwise it appears that if one is happy with his
> current editor and its connection to a Lisp console, then he can carry
> on with CM from SVN and not miss any new features or API changes.
> Is that about right?
> Thanks very much!
> -Ross
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