[CM] Grace linux fixes posted

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Wed Aug 27 11:33:05 PDT 2008

Ive updated the download page with source and binaries containing the  
Linux fixes. Since i had to link and test on linux  i also made a  
binary releases of Grace and Grace for Csound for Ubuntu.   also  
tested the command-D documentation lookup feature on linux and seems  
to work,  which was a pleasant suprise.

I also added an appendix in doc/ports.html about how to make midi  
connections on Linux. Someone please tell me its not as complicated as  
I describe! if its not, please tell me the easier way.

Also fixed a few nits in two tutorials that people told me about  
(midi.sal and lists.sal) Ive added online link to the tutorial  
directory so you can grab just those tutorials, or you can grace any  
binary again, they all have the latest nits fixed. thanks to anyone  
that helped me sort this out.

everthing is available here:


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