[CM] (CM3) SuperCollider and OSC support?

Heinrich Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Sun Apr 20 06:32:25 PDT 2008

an OSC port could be easily added using the OscPack library. the  
difficult issue to solve is what the Scheme API for Osc/Supercollider  
would look like -- currently i dont have any ideas about this and so i  
havent started work on the port. anyone knowlegable about osc and sc  
that wants to help get interactive/file communication with sc going  
that would be great, otherwise an osc port will be lower priority as i  
am totally swamped.

On Apr 20, 2008, at 6:57 AM, Maurice van Loon wrote:
> Hello,
> CM3 and Grace are looking very promising! Very nice. Is there a  
> possibility that OSC and support for SuperCollider are also build in  
> like the Midi and Csound ports? In CM2 I am using the possiblity to  
> create .OSC-files.
> Keep up the good work.
> Regards,
> Maurice
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