[CM] Announde: DSP02 - Music composition software for children

andersvi at extern.uio.no andersvi at extern.uio.no
Thu May 31 03:42:55 PDT 2007

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Delivery-date: Thu, 31 May 2007 12:20:10 +0200
Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 12:20:09 +0200
From: asbjorn blokkum flo <a.b.flo at notam02.no>
To: Anders Vinjar <andersvi at extern.uio.no>
Subject: DSP

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Nedre gate 5
N-0551 Oslo

Contact Information:
Company name: NOTAM
email address: admin at notam02.no
NOTAM Web site address: http://www.notam02.no/notam02/english.html
DSP2 Web site address:  http://www.notam02.no/notam02/prod-prg-dsp02-e.html
Telephone: (+47) 22 35 80 60
Fax: (+47) 22 35 80 61

*NOTAM releases DSP02 Version 1.1.1 free music composition software for 
Oslo, Norway
May 30, 2007.

NOTAM, the Norwegian production centre for work with sound, has released 
a new version (1.1.1) of NOTAMs DSP02 software for Mac OSX, Windows, 
Linux and web-based use.
The new version of DSP02 brings performance improvements and user 
interaction enhancements as well as support for Intel Mac.

For educators, composers, musicians, and others working with children, 
who are looking for a creative, student-oriented method for teaching 
sound creation and manipulation. DSP02 delivers a simple, user-friendly 
way of mixing, editing, and sound processing in one package.  

*DSP2 as a tool for learning*
DSP02 is designed for a non-linear approach to composition, and allows 
students to develop compositions free from musical conventions and 
stylistic blueprints. The creative impulse is at the center of the 
tools, which through easy interactivity allows free, non-restricted 
exploration of what the software tools can be used for.

DSP02 is published on a website which also contains a large number of 
help- and tutorial texts, as well as musical examples and tasks that can 
be developed by using the provided samples library. This makes the 
website into a comprehensive educational tool for composition with 
electronic sound.

/DSP02 is particularly well suited for young composers from 5th to 10th 
DSP02 includes a large number of synthesis and sound processing tools 
for various types of sound design, traditional and non-traditional, such 
as sound editor, mixer, FM synthesis, additive synthesis, time stretch, 
4 types of filters, chorus/vibrato/flanger, ring modulation, harmonizer, 
reverb, delay, formant synthesis, guitar string synthesis, spectral 
sieve, spectrum shift, and different algorithms for machine composition.

*DSP02 is free, and can be downloaded for OSX, Windows and Linux from:


DSP02 - for educators, composers, musicians, and others working with 
children, looking for an easy way to learn sound creation and 
manipulation, DSP2 delivers a simple and user friendly way of working 
with sound synthesis, sound manipulation and mixing in one package.

*For more information, visit their web site at:

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