[CM] Announce: MAMMUT v.0.59

andersvi at extern.uio.no andersvi at extern.uio.no
Thu May 31 03:40:50 PDT 2007

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Delivery-date: Thu, 31 May 2007 12:20:01 +0200
Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 12:20:00 +0200
From: asbjorn blokkum flo <a.b.flo at notam02.no>
To: Anders Vinjar <andersvi at extern.uio.no>
Subject: mammut

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Nedre gate 5
N-0551 Oslo


Contact Information:
Company name: NOTAM
email address: admin at notam02.no
NOTAM Web site address: http://www.notam02.no/notam02/english.html
Mammut Web site address: 
Telephone: (+47) 22 35 80 60
Fax: (+47) 22 35 80 61

*NOTAM releases Mammut version 0.59 free sound processing software.
Oslo, Norway
May  30, 2007.

NOTAM, the Norwegian production centre for work with sound, has released 
a new version (0.59) of NOTAMs Mammut software for Mac OSX, Windows and 
The new version of this unique frequency-based sound processing software 
brings performance improvements and major user interaction enhancements.

For composers, sound designers, experimental musicians or producers 
looking for a new approach to sound creation and manipulation, Mammut 
delivers a unique way of working with sound in the frequency domain.

Mammut will do a frequency analysis of your sound in one single gigantic 
FFT analysis (no windows). These spectral data, where the development in 
time is incorporated in mysterious ways, may then be transformed by 
different algorithms. An interesting aspect of Mammut is its completely 
non-intuitive sound transformation approach. Different transforms can be 
applied to the spectrum, such as nonlinear stretching, spectrum shift, 
convolution, filtering and permutation.

Mammut is a somewhat unpredictable program, and the user must get used 
to the idea of loosing control over the time axis. The sonic result is 
often surprising. However, Mammut is also ideal for standard operations 
like filtering, spectrum shift and convolution. The no-window approach 
gives ultimate sound quality.

*Mammut version 0.59 features:
- A new approach to sound creation and manipulation in the frequency domain
- Unique single gigantic FFT analysis method.
- Stretch: Non-linear stretching of the frequency axis.
- Wobble: Alternately stretch and contract the frequency axis
- Multiply phase: Multiply all phases with the value you specify
- Derivate amp: Replaces the amplitude spectrum with its derivative 
- Filter: Optimal bandstop filter. The ultimate in cut-off performance!
- Invert: Splits the spectrum into regions with specified size, and turn 
- Threshold: Removes all partials below a given amplitude threshold.
- Spectrum Shift: Optimal spectrum shift, with no window artifacts.
- Block Swap: Selects randomly positioned regions of the spectrum, and 
- Mirror: Reflects the whole spectrum around the frequency you specify.

*For more information, visit their web site at:

*Mammut is free, and can be downloaded from:




Mammut: for composers, sound designers, experimental musicians or 
producers looking for a new approach to sound creation and manipulation 
in the frequency domain.

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