FW: [CM] sequence objects feature requests

Lieven Moors lievenmoors@hotmail.com
Mon, 28 May 2007 23:10:13 +0200

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From: lievenmoors@hotmail.comTo: taube@uiuc.eduSubject: RE: [CM] sequence o=
bjects feature requestsDate: Mon, 28 May 2007 18:56:07 +0200

I make a lot of sequences with a starttime of zero. Later on in the process=
, I want to line them up in a certain order. It turns out that for all thes=
e operations, I need to know the length of a sequence. When I want to put o=
ne after the other, I have to calculate the length of the first one. Then I=
 can easily put the start of one sequence to the end of another.The only pr=
oblem is that the length of the last midi-note of a sequence, is determined=
 by the first midi-note inthe next, which makes it impossible to determine =
the length. I already made a subclass of seq, with an end slot. When I make=
 a musical structure, I set :end to how long I want the sequence to be. Aft=
er that I can treat them as blocks. When I make a sequence of sequences, th=
e length becomes the sum of the lengths of the subsequences. This makes shu=
ffling very easy as well.I know this might sound confusing, but it is funny=
 that you can' t handle a sequence like for examplean audio file. I don't k=
now, maybe this sounds silly...maybe the midi-note would need a length as w=
ell...> From: taube@uiuc.edu> Subject: Re: [CM] sequence objects feature re=
quests> To: lievenmoors@hotmail.com; cmdist@ccrma.Stanford.EDU> Date: Mon, =
28 May 2007 10:50:09 -0500> > >   I was wondering if it would be a good ide=
a to add a :versioning and> >   :version slot to the seq object.> >   This =
would allow saving lots of sequence objects with the save-object> >   metho=
d whithout specifying   a new name every time.> > it woudl be easy to add a=
 :newname arg (or whatever) to save-object that would cause  the saved vers=
ion to have a unique name:> > (save-object #&foo "foo.seq" :newname #t)> > =
>   Another thing I thought might be handy, is having an :end slot for the>=
 >   sequence object. This would make sequencing with sequences easier. It>=
 >   can be computed from the elements it contains.> > not sure i understan=
d this one -- what does :end hold and what operations will it make easier f=
or you to perform?> >=20

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<br><br><blockquote><hr>From: lievenmoors@hotmail.com<br>To: taube@uiuc.edu=
<br>Subject: RE: [CM] sequence objects feature requests<br>Date: Mon, 28 Ma=
y 2007 18:56:07 +0200<br><br>

I make a lot of sequences with a starttime of zero. Later on in the process=
, I want to line them up in a certain order. It turns out that for all thes=
e operations, I need to know the length of a sequence. When I want to put o=
ne after the other, I have to calculate the length of the first one. Then I=
 can easily put the start of one sequence to the end of another.<br>The onl=
y problem is that the length of the last midi-note of a sequence, is determ=
ined by the first midi-note in<br>the next, which makes it impossible to de=
termine the length. <br>I already made a subclass of seq, with an end slot.=
 When I make a musical structure, I set :end to how long <br>I want the seq=
uence to be. After that I can treat them as blocks. When I make a sequence =
of sequences, the length becomes the sum of the lengths of the subsequences=
. This makes shuffling very easy as well.<br>I know this might sound confus=
ing, but it is funny that you can' t handle a sequence like for example<br>=
an audio file. <br>I don't know, maybe this sounds silly...<br>maybe the mi=
di-note would need a length as well...<br><br><br><br>&gt; From: taube@uiuc=
.edu<br>&gt; Subject: Re: [CM] sequence objects feature requests<br>&gt; To=
: lievenmoors@hotmail.com; cmdist@ccrma.Stanford.EDU<br>&gt; Date: Mon, 28 =
May 2007 10:50:09 -0500<br>&gt; <br>&gt; &gt;   I was wondering if it would=
 be a good idea to add a :versioning and<br>&gt; &gt;   :version slot to th=
e seq object.<br>&gt; &gt;   This would allow saving lots of sequence objec=
ts with the save-object<br>&gt; &gt;   method whithout specifying   a new n=
ame every time.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; it woudl be easy to add a :newname arg (or=
 whatever) to save-object that would cause  the saved version to have a uni=
que name:<br>&gt; <br>&gt; (save-object #&amp;foo "foo.seq" :newname #t)<br=
>&gt; <br>&gt; &gt;   Another thing I thought might be handy, is having an =
:end slot for the<br>&gt; &gt;   sequence object. This would make sequencin=
g with sequences easier. It<br>&gt; &gt;   can be computed from the element=
s it contains.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; not sure i understand this one -- what does=
 :end hold and what operations will it make easier for you to perform?<br>&=
gt; <br>&gt; <br>
