[CM] Newbie learning. . . . CM / CLM-3 / SND / Scheme???

Joseph Anderson J.Anderson at hull.ac.uk
Fri May 25 04:45:40 PDT 2007

Hello All,

This may be more an existential than anything. . . (and whether I've posted this before, my goldfish memory), and I'm writing this after a conversation I had with Bret Battey, yesterday. . .

I'm a dyed in the wool "tape" music composer with a lot of experience with Music V typle languages. My last big pieces were all made using SuperCollider2 in it's non-realtime mode, and I have a fairly large set of tools written as SC2 UGens. The move to SC3, with it's focus on a realtime paradigm, has left a lot to be desired from my point of view. Simple tasks that were easy for the sorts of things I'm interested in doing are now much more difficult--and some are inexcessable without resorting to writing in C++, which seems to scupper the whole point of a dedicated computer music language IMV. I'm well committed to working in a non-realtime way. I like to set up a batch, run lots of variations overnight and then choose the best bits the next day.

I've been doing a bit of twiddling with Rick's CM.app, and have begun porting some of my SC3 code to clm-3. I will have to say that I'm not finding a move to clm to be particularly easy. I'd like to be able to find tutorial material equivalent to the sorts of things available for SC2/SC3--but haven't turned up anything like Cottle's SC3 material.

So, I'm hoping the list can point me to tutorials on working with cm, and particularly clm. In particular, I'm not terribly clear on the system model. That is compounded by the fact that I'm new to lisp as well.

Ok, so the existential bit. . . . for a newbie to the clm world, is clm/cm the suggested way forward, or are these things intended to be replaced by Snd? I do see the note on the Snd page:

"CLM-in-CL users will be disappointed with the CLM-in-Scheme performance; my tests indicate that interpreted Scheme (as in Snd currently) is about 30 to 100 times slower than CLM instruments using the run macro. "

Which makes me think I probably want to be in clm rather than Snd.

What about Scheme? Guile/Snd?

Is it best to go just press ahead with CM.app? Again, any help for pointers on getting up to speed (tutorials!) with working with clm?

Apologies if this sounds unfocused and rambling. Thanks for the advice.

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