[CM] GUILE -> Abnormal Exit (snd-rt)
Esben Stien
b0ef at esben-stien.name
Mon Mar 19 07:23:46 PDT 2007
"Kjetil S. Matheussen" <k.s.matheussen at notam02.no> writes:
> look at the source for san-dysth
Thank you. I'm trying to dig through;). It's a great synth, though;).
> reset the positions of the envelopes: (mus-reset!
> amplitude-envelope) (mus-reset! env-devf)
Guess I need to evaluate something before this. I'm getting:
rt-compiler.scm/rt-insert-types: Unknown function " mus-reset! ": (mus-reset! \amplitude_envelope__9)
Esben Stien is b0ef at e s a
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