[CM] Burning .IMG files on a PC

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Mar 13 11:46:47 PDT 2007

On Tue, 2007-03-13 at 10:11 -0400, Landspeedrecord wrote:
> If Linux .IMGs I downloaded are old and obsolete, are there any newer
> ones?  What should I download and use? The newest version of Red Hat
> or Fedora?  

I would recommend either Fedora Core 5 or 6. I don't have images as I
used to do (not enough time to do everything). If you have good internet
connectivity from the computer in question it should be fine to install
from the net (you will need the basic Fedora Core dvd or cds installed
first, of course). 

> Will the rpms for all the CCRMA stuff work if I use the newest Linux
> versions?  I assumed that new versions might be somehow problematic
> which is why the CCRMA site had the images to download in the first
> place. 
> Sorry for my confusion... I am new to Linux.

No problem. If you have more question probably the Planet CCRMA list is
a better forum for them...

-- Fernando

> On 3/10/07, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.stanford.edu> wrote:
>         On Sat, 2007-03-10 at 12:55 -0500, Landspeedrecord wrote: 
>         > Hello,
>         >
>         > I am trying to burn the planet CCRMA discs from a
>         PC.  Neither Nero
>         > nor Alcohol recognize the format.  Alcohol wants to know
>         whether the
>         > disc is "data track mode 1" or "data track mode 2 form 1"
>         and also 
>         > what the block size is, etc...  Any ideas?  I did google it
>         but I got
>         > a giant mass of unhelpful gobblety-gook about Mac discs and
>         video game
>         > discs.  There was one post to this forum that mentioned how
>         to do it 
>         > in Nero but it most have been an older version of nero
>         because it
>         > didn't work for me.
>         Any Planet CCRMA cdrom images you might have are really really
>         old and
>         obsolete...
>         I don't use any of the windows burners but you should have an
>         option to 
>         burn an "iso image" or something similarly named. What I
>         released in the
>         past was in iso image format, that is, the file is a binary
>         image of the
>         disk to be burned (it is not a track or anything else, just a
>         complete 
>         disk).

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