[CM] Pointers into snd-help source?
Michael Scholz
scholz-micha at gmx.de
Sun Mar 11 18:48:24 PDT 2007
Hi, Charles!
> (snd-help 'update-transform-graph)
It is corrected now in current fth-cvs. It was a bug in
You can use FTH's help word:
help update-transform-graph
help is a parsing word so it's not necessary to produce an XT first.
snd-help is both a parsing word and a normal word:
"update-transform-graph" #t snd-help
snd-help update-transform-graph
> Also, from a quick look at the source, I can see why providing these for
> FTH (or Ruby) is non-trivial. Have there been any discussions/thoughts
> about how to approach providing the "H_" strings defined in the code now
> that Snd is multi-lingual?
All help strings are accessible from snd-forth and Bill has provided
some examples for all three languages! If you get the latest fth-cvs
you will see them too. I have replaced fth-1.0.8 on SF with corrected
tarball. But these changes are not in it, sorry.
I use this channel for answering your private mail too because
optonline's sendmail says "User unknown" to your address.
> 1) I use Fink, and there are two place where ./configure says that "the
> preprocessor and compiler disagree about the validity of a header file."
> This whizzes by so quickly I don't have a clear memory of which files
> they are. I'll try to track this down for you and provide more info.
I have two or three candidates in /usr/include and I ignore these
warnings. If you compile in an Emacs shell you can scroll to read the
> 2) The "make install" process quits because my computer doesn't like
> your "install info" command arguments. As a result, I think none of the
> .fs, .fr, etc files get installed, and I had to manually copy them to
> their directories. Also manually installed the FTH info pages.
doc/Makefile uses `install-info --info-dir=dir --info-file=file'
What option is wrong or what options knows your install-info? In the
meantime, remove the last line at target install in doc/Makefile or
better in doc/Makefile.in before ./configure or ./config.status.
> 3) So I think the emacs sub-process for FTH doesn't work? Is it possible
> to get it to work from the code in Snd 8.9 release, or is there a lot of
> work to do? It's of course a really nice feature, but not essential.
This depends not on Snd. I use this mode regularly and it works. You
must set inf-snd-forth-program-name (note the forth in the name) to
your Snd program name. Here is a part of my initialization in
(set-default 'auto-mode-alist
(append '(("\\.\\(fs\\|fth\\|fsm\\|fr\\)$" . snd-forth-mode)
("\\.snd_prefs_forth$" . snd-forth-mode))
(autoload 'run-snd-forth "inf-snd" "Start inferior Snd-Forth process" t)
(autoload 'snd-forth-mode "inf-snd" "Load snd-forth-mode, derived from `forth-mode'" t)
(setq inf-snd-forth-program-name "snd-forth-xm")
The rest is optional, I think.
(setq inf-snd-working-directory "~/.snd.d/")
(setq inf-snd-index-path "/usr/gnu/cvs/snd/")
(setq inf-snd-prompt "snd> ")
(add-hook 'inf-snd-forth-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(setq inf-snd-comint-line-end "\n\n")))
(add-hook 'snd-forth-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(define-key (current-local-map) "\C-co" 'snd-send-buffer)
(define-key (current-local-map) "\C-cr" 'snd-send-region)
(define-key (current-local-map) "\C-ce" 'snd-send-definition)))
> 4) Would there be a reason why compiling xg.c takes an order of
> magnitude longer with FTH than with Guile? This compile step has always
> been long, but for some reason with FTH, it's now a couple hours on my
> iBook (1ghz G4).
Hours? Here it compiles not much longer than with Ruby or Guile. I
confess I have no idea what's to do here.
All the best,
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