[CM] CM/CLM w. Lispworks

andersvi at extern.uio.no andersvi at extern.uio.no
Mon Jul 30 02:04:52 PDT 2007


I see there are files and snippets related to lispworks in the
CM-sources, but they seem somewhat old.

Have anyone been using recent versions of CM w. lispworks?

The CLM sources removed lispworks-support somewhere around 2005 and
the release of CLM-3.  What hacks would be needed to get it going
again?  Guess is to plough through sndlib2clm.lisp and fill in.

I dont have any lispworks-license, but am considering getting one for
some other project.  Any comments on how these apps (CM/CLM)
performed/performs in lispworks?

Concerning lispworks, are they following standards closely and stay
reasonably backwards-compatible, or are they like some vendors using
new releases to build obstacles for existing users?


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