[CM] cvs grace

Rick Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Mon Jul 23 11:13:57 PDT 2007

grace cvs now has a "preferences" feature working that store settings  
between sessions and makes configuring lisp more simple.  on linu  
preferences are stored in:
on darwin the preferences are stored in:

also new:

* Native titlebars are now turned on by default so Grace looks more  
like a "native" app out-of-the-box.  Use Windows>Native Titlebars to  
toggle beween native and JUCE style. If you want to toggle between  
styles on lunix you will need the svn version of JUCE as there is a  
workaround to an X windows issue that toggling titlebars triggers.

* A  new File>Open Recent> submenu holds (upto) 10 recently opened files

* A "Launch Lisp at Startup" checkbox is now part of Configure Lisp  
dialog and stored in the preference file.

* Console>Lisp>Load File> now works.

* Recent ASDF systems and Lisp files you load are now remembered  
between sessions

* ASDF and LISP info are now internally Xml objects so it will be  
soon be possible to import customized configuration.

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