[CM] grace

Joshua Parmenter joshp at u.washington.edu
Mon Jul 16 11:45:01 PDT 2007

Got it!

d-128-95-92-42:~/src/grace/build joshp$ make -f Makefile.osx JUCEDIR=/ 
Users/joshp/src/juce/ CXX=g++
g++ -c -I../src -I/Users/joshp/src/juce/ -g -O2 -DNDEBUG - 
DJUCE_MAC ../src/Audio.cpp
g++ -c -I../src -I/Users/joshp/src/juce/ -g -O2 -DNDEBUG - 
DJUCE_MAC ../src/Lisp.cpp
g++ -o grace  Audio.o Buffer.o Console.o Editor.o FontList.o Grace.o  
Layer.o Lisp.o Plotter.o Resources.o Syntab.o Syntax.o -L/Users/joshp/ 
src/juce//bin -framework Carbon -framework CoreServices -framework  
CoreAudio -framework CoreMidi -framework ApplicationServices - 
framework AGL -framework QuickTime -framework IOKit -ljuce

Still had to set the CXX var though. Seems to boot fine though!


On Jul 16, 2007, at 11:41 AM, Rick Taube wrote:

> josh forgot to say you will have to put that Makefile.osx in the  
> build/  subdir

Joshua Parmenter
University of Washington
Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media
School of Music
Seattle, Washington 98195


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